
Cherry Tree

Sour Cherries - you have patiently taught me a lot about life: how you and I, and everything else on earth, is connected. And basically, how I don't know crap about gardening.
You've shown me that I am not the Master of you. It was irrelevant that I couldn't differentiate between a Sweet or Sour Cherry Tree, you still grew and bore fruit, and somehow foreign birds and bugs magically appeared and devoured every single piece you carefully produced .

Nothing is ever wasted in nature. Except by us, humans.

I've watched you humbly serve the animal community for several years, but today, is the day, I've discovered --that you, My Friend, are used in pie fillings, jams, and countless desserts!

As a result, I proudly partake in making our first ever batch of Jam-ish sauce, as you, my wise friend, hold back your giggles. That's ok... because this sauce will be the envy of the world!!!

Watch out world...
for iftar time,
as we need to feast upon this deliciousness,
as soon as we break open our fast!!


Rarely, if ever, do I see advice that reminds people to build and return to a heathy center. (I feel very lucky to have met enough people to help me realize that in my low moments). That spiritual/emotional centre is so important – from picking partners, to raising children, to making daily mundane decisions - it helps us curb our inanity in innumerable ways. Mostly, we are trapped with “Islam on Steroids” brand of counseling where your legs and brain are not fast enough, to keep up with the so called ‘Sacredness” of the Holy One (insert your clique leader here). Shame and perfection are celebrated at the expense of the questioner’s dignity. And side –eye and condescending examples are used to put you back into the assembly line.
This piece exhibited empathy for me. Empathy is the first step to help someone return to their center. As, Dr. Jackson, in his lectures has perceptively stated, One can live with a lot of broken rules of Shariah, but what repentance can there be from a broken soul or psyche?

Ms. Perfect

If you never make mistakes, never apologize, never exhibit self -control, then why expect anything but a tantrum from a mini-me version of your crabby perfect self? You think you're perfect? I'll show you "Perfect" and get you to clean my poop after. ‪#‎winning‬
Model vulnerability, resiliency, humility( the capacity to laugh at yourself and not take yourself too seriously), joy, and respect. Model You. The real, less than perfect, you.
Your child demands presence and meaningful connection, not perfection.
Children don't remember rules; they remember how you made them feel. Blah blah.

Teaching Children (Children in big bodies included) how to think, not what to think


 Experiences Build Brain Structures

Executive Function

Serve & Return Interaction Shapes Brain Circuitry

II.                  Living Whole- Heartedly  - Brene Brown
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are 
 Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

III.                Recognizing and Accepting your baggage  Shefali Tsabary
The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children

IV.               " But we don't begin with the thinking or the acting,'' the 58-year-old Coloroso says. ``We begin with caring.'' - Barbara Coloroso
Kids Are Worth It: Raising Resilient, Responsible, Compassionate Kids
Just Because It's Not Wrong Doesn't Make It Right: Teaching Kids to Think and Act Ethically

Walk It, Talk it

Discipline vs. Punishment
Six Critical Life Messages
Three Types of Families

Jane Nelson
Raising Self-Reliant Children in a Self-Indulgent World: Seven Building Blocks for Developing Capable Young People

V.                  Montessori



Beauty and Aesthetics in Islam

Beauty and Aesthetics in Islam

"All creation reflects the cosmic intelligence, but only man, who is the central being in the terrestrial world that he inhabits, reflects it in an active, creative sense. Reason deals with the sensory world and intellect with the metaphysical world. When a complementary relationship between reason and intellect is achieved, it can become the guide which ultimately leads man to the highest form of 'knowledge' possible. For a Muslim, Islamic art is one of the means by which he can attain this 'knowledge', whether through creating it or by contemplating its beauty." -